About Us

welcome to TRANZEE !

We have years of experience in this passion

What problem are you trying to solve? ( Gap in market, Vision, Mission)

Being in Project field for last 16 years we have always felt the heat of being materials,parcels,couriers are not delivered in time. Even a medium enterprise like us has suffered a lot periodically due to these logistic issues. We have found the Gap in market of delivering the materials with time challenge. Every individuals and companies in India uses these logistics and courier services but they still have not experienced the time Challenge. Our Vision is to give a exciting delivery solutions to the Indian Customers and Mission is to provide a Job for every traveller in India.

What are the challenges and limitations you have or expect to face?

The main challenge is to take control of all the geographic locations of India with the facility of delivering the parcels on the highways. The Franchise facilities should be interested to be live for 24 x7 as we expect them to receive deliveries at any time. We believe that we can overcome this challenge as we prefer to give franchise on the middle level shops on highways instead of preferring Petrol bunks or High level shops. This challenge can also somewhat be limited by usage of worker free automated collection booth which works with automated delivery collection booth based on RFID sensor. Second challenge is to identify the authenticity of delivery team and the vehicles used for transporting. The initial registering of the supporting man power will be strictly adhered and this will be done by a third party verification team. Plans are in line to enable the vehicles with GPRS. Another challenge is checking the content in package but we feel it is a challenge for the entire industry.

What are your key resources? (Intellectual Property, raw material, skilled labor, technical competency, geographic reach etc.)

Website: The Website we create will be useful for Placing order, Tracking and register complaints. Mobile App: Two mobile App will be used for the Project. One is TRANZEE and the other is TRANZIST. The TRANZEE App will be a Free App and the TRANZIST App will be a paid one. Franchise outlet: Franchise outlet will be on all the part of the country in Highways,Cities,Towns and the towns will serve the villages. Small collection centres will also be given preference. Part time deliverer: No technical competency needed for service providers. Cab drivers/Owners, Logistic service provider, Private car drivers,Bikers,Bus operators and travellers of any form. Admin office in all states: There will be admin offices in all the states that will be taking control operations and marketing. There is also an issue in dealing with villages without proper access to internet.SMS intimations will be viable in solution. Also the customer traffic is not more than two percent in such cases. Registration needed in adherence to government Rules. We abide to the normal Indian post office act and logistics law as what our competitors do.

we provide National level & logistics service in India

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